Have you bought your happiness yet?


Written on Friday, January 27, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

I happened to go to Mcdonald's the other day after a long time...so i decide to have a Mcveggie and was in the dillema of whether to consume 500 hundred calories of a large coke when i saw that i could buy my happiness? You got that right folks! buy it today for just 75 bucks... now that's a deal ain't it.

There's a poster that says "Buy happiness for your entire family".It's a "happy" meal and it costs 75 bucks... i mean "Buy happiness for your entire family"?????....Not just you! your entire family!...... C'mon.

This really isn't anything against Mcdonald's (Though they're burgers are
ridiculously overpriced and small)..it has to do with what advertising does to you..
Consider this... a couple are in a car romancing when she softly kisses his neck... the next day in college she waits with bated breath... when she sees him she moves over and gives him room... but he takes one look.. then looks at the band-aid around his neck and then decides to ignore her.... so what's the moral of the story... all you women out there must have extremely soft lips because your boyfriend (who you spent the night with) WILL ditch you... so go get this lip balm...it'll save your troubles... Brilliant!(This ad airs on most major channels btw)
It's so subtle you have to give them credit... they don't tell you that your inadequate directly...they'll tell your subconcious that your not gonna keep a boyfriend if you dont buy it...This is as much true with men who somehow are supposed to be alpha males who can be bill gates and stallone all at once...

I hate it... i absolutely do... enough women get affected by this sort of shit...
Unfortunately most women think (subconciously) that if your actually ideal weight your fat.... and advertising attacks these most basic fears of inadequacy to sell...

i don't have a problem with the adverts themselves but with how much of this negative advertising is there...it's a complete bombardment to your subconcious every second.... notice how much negative advertsing you take in everyday and you'll begin to realise why teens have such a fear of inadequacy...so the next time you see this just observe the underlying theme and then you'll be immune...

All that bothers me....


Written on Tuesday, January 10, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

Are you standing in the grey between black or white,
left or right ,standing in the blackness of the night...
Why are we all continually searching for solitude,
When all we want to is to be understood.....

Gnawing within us it asks us to find our way,
True purpose beckons,yet...
Clouded by confusion, we're pushing it away..
A chasm lies now between the haves and the have nots,
Poverty or opulence,life only offers only stops..

I'm here without you,
losing my way...Clinging to memories,
i'm shouting in this vaccum..
Wondering what lies ahead...
I'm here without you,
But your still on my lonely mind
Trying to find, failing to understand..
I'm walking alone...

Life's so good at the moment,
But my dreams don't reveal your face.
The lines have blurred..the features,
Now impossible to trace...

Hope is our greatest strength and our biggest weakness...
If you want to change the world,let love be your energy..
Let it fuel your passion and drive you to your destiny
Let the purest emotion of all fill your heart.
Dont start,just fly and take everyone onboard
Soar through the skies....
Go quench your desires..

The musical chairs of life are funny to behold..
Sometimes warm as soft sunlight,
Sometimes stone cold...
Invincinble and powerless by turn,
Shall we go full speed ahead or
Will a u-turn suffice,think twice..
Every decision you take could be..
Your biggest mistake.

No one told me it would be this hard,
Someone please take me back to the start
When emtions start to fade,
When strength starts to wane,
Then maybe,just maybe,
Like the deserts need the rain,
A poet needs the pain.