I want those 4 hours back!!!


Written on Saturday, February 04, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

In case you think this is about the state of the education system in india...it isn't.
Everyday i go to college and i sit for lectures and practicals and come back home having learnt absolutely nothing....Unfortunately i have the attention span of a fly but it's very funny for me to see what happens in class everyday.
The teacher walks in, starts teaching,spends the next hour confusing and boring the students,then asks questions the answers to which no one knows or is bothered to give,gets angry and pissed off calls us circus animals or some similar connotation and then proceeds to leave the class wondering why he bothered....

What i dont understand is why we are still taught in this archaic fashion when it's clear to see that humans just dont learn by listening but by doing....the more i think about it the more i realise that there's one thing they dont let you do:- make mistakes.How do humans learn:-By makin mistakes....by makin mistakes you learn how to walk,how to ride a bike,how to never tell a girl she look fat.(Oh wait...wrong post)
Anways i dont understand these teachers..... they get none, and i mean zero response from the students and still they do the same things. I mean come on... how can you do this for 10 years and still not change when you know that students are different today. It really bugs me because if it was me i'd quit such a unsatisfying job and do something else...but what irritates me the most is that i waste 3 to 4 hours of my life everyday learning nothin and just sitting there because i need 75% attendance...whats the logic behind this rule anyways.....(3 to 4 hours) X (4 years) of engineering is a lot of my life wasted....No wonder so many people drop out... it nonsensical to sit and learn in a system that is designed so that you learn the least...I'm in elex and telecom and im sure i could have learnt every subject the guys doing computers learnt alongside my own if i had those 4 hours back... imagine the possible avenues available to you if you knew twice as much...Job prospects go up,you'd get into a better company and get a higher pay...but that's not the point..i dont wanna waste my life everyday sitting like this....

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  1. Anonymous |

    hey rovi im impressed as to the amount of crap u can write & .................................not enough mails to me ...

    How can anyone name themselves "fun spume" i hope whoever that is know the meaning of spume caus in aus the meaning is........... well i won't mention it here. ( this is directed to that person if u seek names just ask,for eg
    "Mercy day for MR. Vengeance" ) there's a nice name & if ur a chick an alt.
    "Bleeding Mascara" )

    damd now i know how u feel rovi even i can crap on about anything.

    oh & before i hear a comment from that person pesho is my real name.

    hmmm im bored ill post something else.

  2. Anonymous |

    I thought those 4 hours were for trying to steal a nap sitting behind some tall guy. Or copy journal assignments when term end was near. I was not aware we had to listen to those blabbering guys except during attendance :P

    "Have you bought your happiness yet?" was a neat entry. Spot on.


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