Written on Thursday, February 23, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

Well this time i bring no introspective findings but only to reflect about my favourite game...football....to say that it's less of a sport and more of a religion is an understatement...the entertainment is usually riveting and some of the players do impossible things...but what i like most is...the curses
Somehow if your a football fan you can hurl abuse at anyone you want without any consequences...it's fun to see me when i go nuts and jump up and down in the room showing the finger to all the other team supporters..ahhh....what better way to let go...sat and sundays are now religiously spent watching tv,having coke or somethin,gettin fat and cursing your lungs out....oh yeah...
Go manu and real...
Written on Friday, February 17, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
I usually read a lot of books so my viewpoints are always a little muddled having had so many influences...from osho to bill gates and Gandhi to jack welch i've swung from one side to another so my views almost never gel with many of my freinds....but recently i've started to notice one common thing in many of my friends and even strangers that i meet.....The fear of being great...
Put simply the fear of being great is usually the biggest fear in person...Now you probably think i'm nuts anyways so...why would a person fear being great....well beacause they dont know that they fear is in them....
What's the one thing society tells you to do....Conform.....You should be like everyone else kid....do what they're doing because they know what's right...get the best grades,be the best behaved,dont irritate or criticize,and never stand out the crowd unless your asked to....this i'm starting to realise is the biggest problem we face...from the day you are born you are told and shown how the world works and how your expected to follow "tradition".....
It is said that the fear of public speaking in people is greater than the fear of DEATH....and i've seen it too....people are terrified of going on stage and saying something....Why? because they'll get criticized and teased if they say something the herd doesnt agree too...or they'll get laughed at if they say nothing...
I have no problems with the crowd...i have problems with the people who should go on stage and speak....they wont take that chance because they fear being ridicluled...but they dont see that they could get applauded for what they say...it's the fear of being great...
I'm not good enough for the IIT's or the IIM's....this i hear constantly...It's for the nerds...Being good enough is not the issue...it's the fear of standing out ,of being different that's the issue....we fear being different because the whole world is meant for conformity...
This conformity is also seen in school...apparently the Einsteins and the David beckhams and the Bryan adams of the world are graded on the same system and supposed to do equally well at Physics?????
Unfortunately this fear is most in the spotlight in public speaking.
People often play the game not to lose...play it safe and you'll play another day...most never play to win...
On a lighter note....i see it before a proposal too...well..."dude what if she says no"?...to which i answer:-"Well what if she says yes?"....youre afraid of losin so u wont take the chance to win,the chance to be great....
On an even lighter note...i go on to explain that the chances of a yes are 50-50..those odds are better than any bet at any table at any casino in the world...basically u couldnt have a better chance!!!!...hehehe......
Fortunately for me,i've learned this early and in the hard way...I've been called.....stupid,immature,childish,ugly,fat,crazy,cunning,dark-skinned,short,blind,cute,funny,nice and everythin in between..so i've learned never to take any of it seriously....so ive never feared standing out..which i do anyways...
Written on Friday, February 17, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
Wohooo...yeah baby....we finally climaxed our four enggg years with one spectacular incident...we walked out of a lecture which repeatedly tortured us for the last 6 weeks....so we got suspended...it wasnt even planned...i made the decision to leave myself and so did evryone else..it was unity like ive never seen....every single one walked...the scholars...the nerds...the ones who couldnt care less and ones along for the ride...it was cool...
But i have no sympathy for wat happened..it wasnt abt being shameless or having somthin personal...we said we will not sit for lecs which are of absolutely no use..
yeah ill be the first to admit i sit in lecs only for attendance...but this one was tortute...every time i sat...i felt like shooting myself....im not worried abt the consequences...but i feel it was neccesary...like i said before...i dont wanna waste my life no more....maybe i should not have seen rang de basanti...hehe...
Written on Saturday, February 04, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
In case you think this is about the state of the education system in india...it isn't.
Everyday i go to college and i sit for lectures and practicals and come back home having learnt absolutely nothing....Unfortunately i have the attention span of a fly but it's very funny for me to see what happens in class everyday.
The teacher walks in, starts teaching,spends the next hour confusing and boring the students,then asks questions the answers to which no one knows or is bothered to give,gets angry and pissed off calls us circus animals or some similar connotation and then proceeds to leave the class wondering why he bothered....
What i dont understand is why we are still taught in this archaic fashion when it's clear to see that humans just dont learn by listening but by doing....the more i think about it the more i realise that there's one thing they dont let you do:- make mistakes.How do humans learn:-By makin mistakes....by makin mistakes you learn how to walk,how to ride a bike,how to never tell a girl she look fat.(Oh wait...wrong post)
Anways i dont understand these teachers..... they get none, and i mean zero response from the students and still they do the same things. I mean come on... how can you do this for 10 years and still not change when you know that students are different today. It really bugs me because if it was me i'd quit such a unsatisfying job and do something else...but what irritates me the most is that i waste 3 to 4 hours of my life everyday learning nothin and just sitting there because i need 75% attendance...whats the logic behind this rule anyways.....(3 to 4 hours) X (4 years) of engineering is a lot of my life wasted....No wonder so many people drop out... it nonsensical to sit and learn in a system that is designed so that you learn the least...I'm in elex and telecom and im sure i could have learnt every subject the guys doing computers learnt alongside my own if i had those 4 hours back... imagine the possible avenues available to you if you knew twice as much...Job prospects go up,you'd get into a better company and get a higher pay...but that's not the point..i dont wanna waste my life everyday sitting like this....