Written on Wednesday, May 17, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

Well today the "stars" aligned...so to speak and i put a voice to the face and mannerisms to the writing...i must say i never was sckeptical for this encounter and i was pleasantly suprised..Of course i wasnt totally frank just yet...that would have scared my friend away!.But the transition was lovely, the meeting was a lot of fun and i had a new lichi coffee to boot...ok ok must run it off 2mr morning..damn it.
Anways it was really nice that i didnt find it awkward at all...ofcourse i was my goofy stupid self and my friend didnt get up and leave...so that was a good sign...thank god!
The friendship has come full circle now..the connection through the circle of friends complete.
It was great.I loved it.
Written on Sunday, May 14, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
Today i got up at about 6.45 in the morning....after marvelling at the feat i had accomplished by gettin up so early i promptly turned on my friends comp(where i was stayin..) and logged onto orkut...there one of my friends was online and i scrapped him for a while and then jus surfed aimlessly...
I'm starting to wonder why im so sedentry in my life style...the thought of getting up and going out at 7 in the morning outside while it's still cool NEVER even entered my mind....instead i sat there and did nothing and felt lazy and went back to sleep..
Though i do a little bit of running i really worry where this lifestyle leads when we reach 45. Yeah we've read the effects and we've seen them too but our future will not be the same as the situation is now...i feel its gonna be worse and so we oughta be aware of this fact and do something...I'm not even working and im having serious trouble keeping a healthy lifestyle...almost all my friends get NO excercise during a 24 hour day...
it's ridiculous.
P.s:- my friend called up pizza hut and asked for the 4 pan pizza's for rs 200 offer..he was told the price is not inclusive of tax...the tax is rs 138.... so the total cost is 338..if u order the stuff individually it costs 440..