Breaking Point
Written on Monday, August 20, 2007 by Rohan Koshy
Crossroads and Certainty. That's what we all wish for. When you come to a point where a major decision you wish you had the certainty so that what you need to do is so clear that's it's not really even a choice.We've all come to these points quite a few times in the recent past. In college the cushion of security allows us to not worry about ourselves and just enjoy ourselves. In the real world, and i mean the real world is not in college, your out in the open,There are no visible rules, there is very little fairness and the non-linearity is absolute. In the past year i have had major breaking points.
The beauty of a breaking point is that it's always unexpected, a point where a decision made or NOT made can have massive consequences. If you believe there are no second chances at these points, then the weight of these decisions becomes apparent to you.I find that in life, you cant go back and do things again to make them right. I wish i had realised this in college. I guess it's called experience.
Recently i watched roger federer playing in the wimbledon finals going for a record equalling 5th title.Rafael nadal was actually playing better than him and i thought he was going to beat him.I realised that for federer it was maybe the biggest breaking point so far. At the end of the 4th set, nadal had all the momentum and all the pace.If it continued then federer would lose and with it would go the chance of equalling the record and more importantly having the chance to surpass.The only man in history.This is a breaking point. If you don't do the right thing here, there's no second chance.EVER.He came through.Wrote his place in history.With the speed of life we run at, every second counts.
Unfortunately for the last one year i have seen that the significance of these points are lost to some. If you use the same thought process for these decisions as the one you use to choose your toothpaste, you'll wonder why "fate" has smacked you in the face.Quantum levels jumps in your life occur only sometimes, but when they do, there's no going back.Do u stay in a job or quit. Do u continue in a relationship despite the hurt just holding on to your faith. Do you get into one hoping it all works out?.Where do you go from here?Inside. That's where we go for help.The internal compass.That's the guide that's unique to each one of us.I think somewhere deep down each one of us realises that only we can make decisions for ourselves. We've started to realise that if you're not sure of of where to go, you're truly lost and time is running at an awesome pace and there's almost no way to go back.I'm now averse to taking advice from people because i realise that only i know truly what i want.We go inside. Breaking point to quantum leap.

The age of talk
Written on Tuesday, August 07, 2007 by Rohan Koshy
Who are the real producers in the world? Who are the ones who drive the world? Who are the individuals who are pulling all of us forward? Answer : -The one’s who work and don’t talk to much. However they’re not in ‘ fashion’ today. Oh no they aren’t what WE want anymore.
These days how you say it and who you say it to are really more important than What you’re saying. So what we have now is an age where you have a few pulling many. The age where there are more pretenders than producers.
Recently I sat in on a soft skills session at work. Soft skills are the skills that you develop so that you can communicate more EFFECTIVELY. Ironically I found that many, no, most of the people there already knew all the ‘flash’ words that you’re supposed to know. ‘Active listening’, assertiveness and all that jazz. However the real change I saw in people at the end of that session was practically zero. In what was one really funny scene, a guy who has no patience and never listens to anyone and is so hard headed and set in his ways went on to talk about active listening. After listening to the hypocrisy I observed that he promptly went on boss over everyone else and did absolutely zero ‘active listening’ and proceeded to ruin the whole exercise.
This is the feature of times we live in. We know all the words. Be open, be positive, think out of the box, I think therefore I am. Those are just a few of the lines that spew from the mouths from just everyone. In the age of Internet and non-existent information borders everyone knows everything. It’s so sad to observe that all they are are words now. Nothing else. Maybe that’s why I almost cant watch anything on TV anymore. I prefer to watch all the fiction programming than the shows which are interviews with your film and sports stars. Take the case with music. I mean at some point you have to get bored with all those rappers who think they’re the best thing since sliced bread. You have money and you have 15 girls and huge mansions. We get it. But every song is about their ‘Bling’. You DON’T have class. I like rap but I don’t like most of those rappers. Even modern rock is all about rock bands crying about how they didn’t get love from their parents and how their girlfriends cheated on them and how their god’s greatest gift to us. That’s why you gotta love the old bands like Floyd and dire straits.
These days how you say it and who you say it to are really more important than What you’re saying. So what we have now is an age where you have a few pulling many. The age where there are more pretenders than producers.
Recently I sat in on a soft skills session at work. Soft skills are the skills that you develop so that you can communicate more EFFECTIVELY. Ironically I found that many, no, most of the people there already knew all the ‘flash’ words that you’re supposed to know. ‘Active listening’, assertiveness and all that jazz. However the real change I saw in people at the end of that session was practically zero. In what was one really funny scene, a guy who has no patience and never listens to anyone and is so hard headed and set in his ways went on to talk about active listening. After listening to the hypocrisy I observed that he promptly went on boss over everyone else and did absolutely zero ‘active listening’ and proceeded to ruin the whole exercise.
This is the feature of times we live in. We know all the words. Be open, be positive, think out of the box, I think therefore I am. Those are just a few of the lines that spew from the mouths from just everyone. In the age of Internet and non-existent information borders everyone knows everything. It’s so sad to observe that all they are are words now. Nothing else. Maybe that’s why I almost cant watch anything on TV anymore. I prefer to watch all the fiction programming than the shows which are interviews with your film and sports stars. Take the case with music. I mean at some point you have to get bored with all those rappers who think they’re the best thing since sliced bread. You have money and you have 15 girls and huge mansions. We get it. But every song is about their ‘Bling’. You DON’T have class. I like rap but I don’t like most of those rappers. Even modern rock is all about rock bands crying about how they didn’t get love from their parents and how their girlfriends cheated on them and how their god’s greatest gift to us. That’s why you gotta love the old bands like Floyd and dire straits.
Marketing is absolutely the best example of all this. All flash and cash. Marketing is so far away from reality that it can get you to dream that you can become someone who looks like brad Pitt and think like Einstein. Every ad ends with the guy using the product and getting not one , but usually two girls to like him. Fantastic. Focus on everything that will not make you good at what you do.
When you go to a mall, do you ever get the feeling that everybody looks the same now? I mean we all wear the same clothes. Because everyone is wearing what’s ‘in’ this season, ironically they ALL look the same.
When you go to a mall, do you ever get the feeling that everybody looks the same now? I mean we all wear the same clothes. Because everyone is wearing what’s ‘in’ this season, ironically they ALL look the same.
Even when i read blogs you notice people using poetic language to describe some very plain vanilla incidence. So a simple post turns into some sort of Shakespearean sonnet describing everything about the weather, the stars , the trees, birds and pollution levels of the place where the incident happened. It's all so wordy.
In the past, you were known by what you did not what you said. Then of course people got bored of it because there was no flash, no panache, no hype marketing behind it. It was not good to ‘look’ at. So now everyone is great at the presentation, the face.
But look under the surface and you’ll notice that the principles have not changed. The ones who produce, the ones who do, the ones who are working away not talking are the ones driving us forward. These are the ones I have to respect the most. Ironically these are the people who get paid the most. And most people wonder why. This is why the roger federers, sachin tendulkars and steven speilbergs of the world earn astronomical amounts.
I must admit that I belong to wrong side of this equation. For the longest time I used to love the people who could talk well and talk a lot. So I was like that too. All fart and no shit :P. But now I find an increasing affinity to the ones that don’t talk so much, the ones that don’t crib so much (everyone cribs a little, that’s OK ) but just are focused. These are the Go-to people. The ones who you talk to when you need to get something done. Always busy, they just have no time to waste. Especially at work I notice that in a team of 20 there will be 3 or 4 people who are relied upon all the time while the rest are just managing to get by. I like the technical people now, because they run things, they don’t talk. They actually walk the talk.
This is the age where how well you talk and how well you present yourself is of utmost importance. How you say it is now more important than what you say. The age of presentation. The age of Talk.
In the past, you were known by what you did not what you said. Then of course people got bored of it because there was no flash, no panache, no hype marketing behind it. It was not good to ‘look’ at. So now everyone is great at the presentation, the face.
But look under the surface and you’ll notice that the principles have not changed. The ones who produce, the ones who do, the ones who are working away not talking are the ones driving us forward. These are the ones I have to respect the most. Ironically these are the people who get paid the most. And most people wonder why. This is why the roger federers, sachin tendulkars and steven speilbergs of the world earn astronomical amounts.
I must admit that I belong to wrong side of this equation. For the longest time I used to love the people who could talk well and talk a lot. So I was like that too. All fart and no shit :P. But now I find an increasing affinity to the ones that don’t talk so much, the ones that don’t crib so much (everyone cribs a little, that’s OK ) but just are focused. These are the Go-to people. The ones who you talk to when you need to get something done. Always busy, they just have no time to waste. Especially at work I notice that in a team of 20 there will be 3 or 4 people who are relied upon all the time while the rest are just managing to get by. I like the technical people now, because they run things, they don’t talk. They actually walk the talk.
This is the age where how well you talk and how well you present yourself is of utmost importance. How you say it is now more important than what you say. The age of presentation. The age of Talk.

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