The Beginning Of the End
Written on Sunday, July 31, 2005 by Rohan Koshy
Ok this one is a little weird but do you get the feeling that the world is heading for a catastrophe?I mean look all around , things seem like the world is going to hell in a handbasket.I know it's sounds crazy but like the dinousaurs and rome every civilization reaches it's height before it collapses.Then we start again apparently having learned lessons but not really.9/11 started it.You have the tsunami, eatrhquakes, oil fires, suicide bombings, iraq,the humanitarian crisis in darfur, and now the floods in mumbai.The heaviest rainfall in a century,950 mm in a day.Seems like the flood to wash away the sinners eh?.It's weird but all around you you cant seem to see anything else.Death,destruction and lives washed away in an instant,Power in the hands of the men who use it to feed their own greedy ambitions.Is this the price that we pay for making the same mistakes as we did previously with ancient civilizations.So fat having had all the luxuries of life we've become blinded to the truth unable to see or even care for the sordid conditions in which others live.Let's face it our biggest motivation is to earn money to live rich,comforatble lives,oblivious to the apathy all around us.We choose to ignore these because it's too painful to face.I mean who in their right mind would give up their car to save their enviornment.But now every six months we try haplessly to control nature's fury.An angry planet,obese kids,drunk parents who get divorced like it means nothing.To borrow a line from the Matrix,Human beings are a virus, Feeding and raping and pillaging until nothing is left.All that's left to happen is a nuclear third world war.So maybe we can find another planet to destroy.Mars anyone.The world is praying out for a with enough courage and integrity to change the world.but there is still hope.Human's are slowly waking from luxurious slumber to move to a more healthy lifetsyle and cleaner air.The age is wisdom is near im sure.Where when two people compete they look for a third solution,one that elevates the quality of life of both.Thank God India is still hanging on to tradition.Our strength will make sure that we survive.
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Hey..Well said.. and yeah, infact after seeing The island, i cant think abt anything but - how man is himself destroying himself!
Its frightening, you know, to even think abt how this will all end!
Man is just going to prove to be too intelligent for himself, in the end..
And i think HE is also waiting for that!
As if He'S going to smirk upon us and say - "I'M JUST GOING TO WATCH"
no no.. not going to smirk..HE is smirking and saying so!
God how did u actually go through watching a GAY movie like Island....... sad , i feel for u
Hey Pesho..Howdy?
Wat a wierd way of keeping in touch?.. Thru rohan's blog!!!
Wat a laugh!
Hey ..gimme ur email id..mine is
And yeah, i completely agree wih u..island was a gay movie!
Anyways,hope ur doin fine..
Take care.
hey rucha
my email is
oh yea & dont send me crap, junk mail, cus its my main a/c .