The beggining after the end....
Written on Tuesday, June 13, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
As i stand now i have finished my engg, almost really, but for the most part ive come through unscathed and unharmed .As i muse upon the 4 years i realise that a lot of the engg community thinks that engg is some titanic struggle where u have to slog and grovel your way past the four years...i disagree with this notion. Doing nothing for the first three months of a semester and then ten days for journals and 20 for the PL's does not count as a gruelling semester. It speaks of pure laziness,Is anyone suprised that we struggle to pass when we spend practically 8 months in a year doing practically nothing.The only time i stretched myself was when i was spending all day and night thinking about my project..most of all i realize this when i see some of my friends who are in the medical field.All these guys who think engg is tough wouldn't last six months in that line of work.
hmmm damd eng is over rated.
what u've written sure is true! my friends in arts find it difficult to believe though..hehehe
everyone seems to have dangerous n even amusing, pre-conceived notions about engineering
lol...interesting read! i guess the common thread running through students from just about anywhere in the world is the laziness! maybe its the education thats the most important, but when you look at the bigger picture, its the friends and the fun times in college that remain close to one's heart!