What’s astrology got to do with it
Written on Thursday, February 15, 2007 by Rohan Koshy
To be honest i really don’t know what to make of astrology. Astrology plays no part in my life and it probably will not play a par t in the future, but to me it falls somewhere between superstition and science.
The thing is that almost everyone you ask will say that they don’t care about astrology, but many conversations have snippets which go similar to the following “he’s an aries so sometimes he can hot-headed” or something. Many people even go as far as saying “I’m moody because I’m scorpio” or ‘u know he’s a Gemini so he’s has a dual personality”. Now forget about what you think about astrology. The fact is that many people DO actually show traits depending on “where the sun was” when they were born. That’s fact. Phrases such as “she’s a typical Taurus” are commonplace.( many very smart people say it). Does it mean that they are stupid in believing all this or are they just speaking about reality as they see it. It’s a combination of both if you ask me.
The fact is that most people born in the same month (ignoring that sun signs change on 21st or whatever) exhibit certain similar characteristics. I once thought that maybe long ago our ancestors realized that people born in the same period of thirty days( say june 21st to july 20th) exhibit the same characteristics. Maybe they noticed that there are twelve types like this and then since in those days the sun and the stars were given as an explanation for most things they decided that in those thirty days the sun was in the “particular part of the sky” and that must be the reason for the similar characteristics. Now we say that BECAUSE the sun is that part of the sky the people born in that time have similar characteristics. So initially a theory was created which explained the reality and now the STORY explains the reality
The best part of the crazy theory above is that it does nothing to change the fact. “Libra” people DO have similar characteristics. Maybe there is truth to some of it.
When you split a molecule you get atoms .When u split an atom you get sub-atomic particles. When you split them you get sub-sub-atomic particles. But recent research seems to say that on further splitting that you don’t get more particles but instead you realize that it’s all just a huge energy field all around and the matter that we see is just extremely concentrated parts of it. We know that humans get Vitamin D (I think its D) from the sun basically meaning that the energy transmitted by the sun into this field has a definite effect on us. Now it MIGHT be that if the sun is in a “particular part of the sky” when you’re born it transmits energy to you that affects the way you are. The problem here of course is that we have no SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE to support the theory and so (rightly) it is regarded with extreme skepticism. You can’t believe every crazy theory that comes up. But it may be possible. This brings up the very funny (and ironic) situation that IF it’s ever proved true that it’ll become scientific fact. The scientists will say that extensive research has proved it while the astrologists will say that they knew it was true for hundreds of years. Both sides are right and are actually on the same side and are still fighting. That would be really fun to see!!! It would be like coming back ten thousand years where scientific research proves what we already know from the start of time. Imagine how differently you’d look at the process of “Kundli-matching” before marriage
Of course I must add that either way nobody can use astrology as they’re main reason for success(or lack thereof).Neither can u say “I’m moody BECAUSE I’m scorpio”So there you have it. Another crazy idea which may just be a waste of web space. Go ahead. Call me Crazy :-)