The oxymoron of making sense


Written on Sunday, February 11, 2007 by Rohan Koshy

Life is pretty shitty sometimes, that's clear. Sometimes you just start wonndering what the hell went wrong.Everything falls apart and jus lies there in peices, the broken mirror lies shattered on the floor and and you find yourself staring at thousands of timy images that form in those millions of pieces each one representing a little part of what used to be.
This is a critical moment in life , one where opinions are formed and decisions made that will get very hard to erase. This is the point in life where making sense makes no sense...the time where your head tries to rationalize everything it hears and your heart refuses to see it and also gets pissed off at all the "correct" reasons it sees

It' s happened to me and a couple of friends i know.
When things fall apart you decide once and for all never to be so stupid and trust your heart...From now on your head will rule and your heart will obey. So you become harder and stronger and now more ready to take on the cruel world outside

The problem with making sense here is taking the risk of emotionally alienating yourself from everthing that you face. I've felt and been through it and it's an "emotionally-deaf" time that does not help.The fact is that the head should be a servant to the heart but not a slave..(but a servant none the less)

We learn from our mistakes, but what if you learnt wrong. Youll make a different mistake, a worse one but that's the risk you run.
SO Run the risks, and when you get hurt and life shatters into a million pieces, dust yourself and be determined to make some of the same mistakes again...because what may look like a mistake may be just ONE bad steve jobs said "stay stupid"...

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  1. sandnya |

    dunno what to say to that...
    my mind and heart are conflicting again :)
    thanks buddy...

  2. sandnya |

    great post ya... right from the heart!


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