My theory For Everything and Nothing
Written on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 by Rohan Koshy
Over the years you start to make conclusions about the world that help you to get better at what you're doing, give you insight on what you're not and generally help you grow up
I share some of my theories.....
My theory for everything and nothing
1. People are more afraid of success than they are of failure
All your life you’ve been told to fit in. Join the clubs…Get the friends…Well that’s all fine…but when it comes to success it’s a hindering quality to have. Success usually means that someone is exceptional and many are average. That’s what most people fear. Not that they’re average but that they’re exceptional.
Q: - “Can u pass that exam?”
Ans:- “Probably not. Most everyone fails it” (why I should I pass it since everyone else is probably like me. Most of the time I’ve been like everyone else)
2. Independent thinking is very rare
No one takes the effort to think anymore do they? WHY? WHY? That question is what we should be asking rather than looking for the answers. The thinking prevalent is that since everyone is doing it, it probably makes sense and I shouldn’t waste my time thinking about it. When you start to ask why?..... most of the walls break down and you begin to see that many existing systems are totally inefficient..
Like Einsein said:- “Every new achievement requires a break from the existing system of thought”( I think that’s what he said)
The biggest impact may be in business…Everyone thought that 9 to 5 was the best timing to work…now the fact is that flexible timings are the most productive….so someone mustn’t have accepted his 9 to 5 timing blindly
3. The School System is half complete
So u know how electrons work, how the human body works, how the universe and god knows what else works…The premise is that it’ll help u to get a better job and earn more money. They taught you how to earn your money…but they never taught you how to keep it…there's very little taught about how to save your money and how to invest…I finished 16 years of education not knowing what inflation is? When I saw that ad in which it says that a world tour costs 1 lac now but will cost 20 lacs in 20 years(partly because of inflation ) I realized why financial planning is so difficult….. it can be argued that commerce students learn all this….But even arts and science students earn money and grapple with all these issues…let’s face it….money is usually the biggest issue of anyone’s life….unless you’re a royal family heir you’re gonna have money issues. So teach me how to keep my money. It’s as important as how to make it.
All women are beautiful.
The Saree is the most beautiful dress a lady can wear. The salwar kameez comes second
The Human race is trying to unlearn most of what it’s learnt throughout it’s history
This is more true now…
- The human body is super efficient . We knew this centuries ago. The human body is naturally thin…People have it the other way round.They think all food is meant to nourish the body the right way. That’s because everyone has it so it must be logical correct. So now we need diets and professionals to tell us what our body and mind already knows…when you too much or too little your body sends you signals. We’re naturally thin….You have to treat your body ABnormally to make it go the other way round
- Almost all the buzz words now are ironically the wisdom which we had years ago which we destroyed but not thinking for ourselves. “Think differently” and “Think outside the box” are ironically telling you to think for yourself like you were meant to IN THE FIRST PLACE. “Break the rules” is another one which tells you not to follow those rules which don’t seem logically correct to your intellect. So now we use the “Catch Phrases” which are old wisdom…We’re trying to go backwards. ”Break free”, “Unbelong” , “Let go” are all like this
Some other things I’ve noticed that are really petty
a.It’s never a question of I.Q in most situations…it’s usually a problem of not spending enough TIME trying to understand the problem
b.No matter how you put your earphones in ur bag or pocket when u finish listening the next time you pull them out they’ll be a twisted tangled mess…(is there a murphy’s law for this!!?? )
So there you have it...My two cents...The two or three people who read this blog :-) can post a comment i hope....
I think success drives ppl (not real frnds) away frm a person.[They are "awed" by it i supposed :P ]
Independent thinking is rare - cos right from the start we are taught [and expected] to be confirmists.
Yea, even I want to know how to keep my money. That reminds me - I have to take an appointment with the tax consultant :D
"All women are beautiful.
The Saree is the most beautiful dress a lady can wear. The salwar kameez comes second."
Ahem... So there IS indeed some amma out who has floored this "Lover boy"? ;-)
And yea - I commented on the prev two posts as Anonymous (was too bored to sign in)
u read too much.. and think even more..
achcha hai.. achcha hai..
people are more afraid of failure, not success, which is why the concept of 'thinking out of the box' is so rarely seen. Its just ignorance coupled with the fear of failing, or falling, or being embarrased, or whatever the hell u call it.
independent thinking is not rare literally, just the fear of being laughed at and the lack of confidence in oneself that keeps it under covers.
my income is not taxable for this year :(