One sided


Written on Saturday, December 02, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

I realized while I was reading something that it is virtually impossible to get into the mind of another. How many times have you heard the line ‘Look at it from their side’.

Well, I realized recently that this may be one of the most difficult things a mind can achieve.
‘Looking at the other side’ doesn’t mean wondering why one guy likes strawberry ice cream and you like another flavour. It refers to some things that we hold as absolute beliefs, the unshakeable concretes that have formed in our minds, those which many would not have consciously defined, but ALL use to guide their life for better or worse.

We are in the free world, terrorists are the enemy, and we are right. Would anyone care to see the other side? (btw I am on our side…before my friends start to wonder what has happened)

My point here is that it’s not a good thing to always ‘look at the other side’. Everyone can think and feel, but our actions are definite and they define us. Looking at every side sometimes puts too much doubt in your head to take any decision, any action.

When someone comes late to a meeting, looking at the other side is a good idea because you may get a logical reason for it’s occurrence but the prevalent ‘accept everything and everyone’ philosophy is counter-productive to your progress.

As long as a choice of another doesn’t physically harm or cause mental torture it’s ok to think about the other side. I love rock music, I didn’t like hindi music(now I do) and I used to run around criticizing those who did.
Well, now I avoid this type of discussion , because what’s ‘Kewl’ and what’s not is everyone’s choice and they have a right to it.

There’s no necessity to see the other side.

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  1. Anonymous |

    Thought provoking!

  2. Anonymous |

    "Everyone can think and feel, but our actions are definite and they define us."
    - Perfectly put.

  3. dExTeR |

    the movie was sure an SRK starrer..


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