

Written on Monday, September 17, 2007 by Rohan Koshy

Are you tired? Stressed and stretched ? I didn't realise that everyone has managed to catch this very same boat. Fatigue is simply the no 1 reason why people feel so damn pissed with life.24 Hours are just not enough anymore are they? You have to be superhuman, and basically in six places at the same time. Better give it everything at work so that you don't get a reputation of a slacker. Just remember to get off work early enough so that you can go and meet your friends for dinner before you go off to party with some OTHER friends. Just remember to be everything to everyone. Just remember to forget about what you really want.

One of the reasons we're so tired is that we absolutely HAVE to have an opinion about everyone. I'm starting to realise how much of a strain this ends up being. Try to recognise a situation when you sit at the food court. You see many of the same faces everyday. Every time you see someone you make a thousand perceptions? Is he/she better looking. is he/she a good dresser, is he/she noticing me, and if so am i happy about that?. Now think of the strain when you do it for 200 people EVERYDAY.

Competition is something that really tires you out. Everyone knows that. The problem of competition isn't as simple as it seems but it has an underlying Genesis in the generation of "will". This generation has been taught you can achieve anything if you try hard enough. "Will" has replaced "faith" which was the buzzword of the last generation. The whole problem with "will" is that it makes a mockery of your intelligence and your emotions. Now I'm not saying that we shouldn't try hard enough but the problem is that when your told you can achieve anything you want like this your likely to try so hard that you can never rest peacefully.You work harder and harder and harder because your "will" will win in the end. It's something like this. Take your axe. Spend every second of your life sharpening the hell out of it and then keep chopping off trees.
At the end of all the hacking and chopping you'll realise that your in the WRONG forest. So what's happening is that you have all this super-intensive daily routines which are meant to achieve all your goals. Ill give you a perfect example of this super intensiveness : Work hard, Party harder. The know-it all , do-it all generation. Competition creates a sense of urgency , a feeling that makes you tense every second of the day when your not working. Your muscles are tense and your Will is so strong that your trying to achieve it all at whatever the cost. Fortunately our bodies and minds are not meant to function that way. That's why you can't keep to so many time tables. Eventually you fall off the competition bandwagon. The problem is that people start feeling worse because EVERYONE else is WINNING. So your losing. Win or Lose.This produces frayed nerves, intense will , broken dreams and shattered happiness. This is the religion of success that everyone follows now.Basically this religion demands that half way down the birth canal you better put on your Nike shoes and your Ipod and get ready to RUN.As fast you can, even if you don't know where your going.
So it's time to change the religion.
Use your head. Do what makes you happy and don't escape reality.

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