Written on Saturday, December 02, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

I realized while I was reading something that it is virtually impossible to get into the mind of another. How many times have you heard the line ‘Look at it from their side’.
Well, I realized recently that this may be one of the most difficult things a mind can achieve.
‘Looking at the other side’ doesn’t mean wondering why one guy likes strawberry ice cream and you like another flavour. It refers to some things that we hold as absolute beliefs, the unshakeable concretes that have formed in our minds, those which many would not have consciously defined, but ALL use to guide their life for better or worse.
We are in the free world, terrorists are the enemy, and we are right. Would anyone care to see the other side? (btw I am on our side…before my friends start to wonder what has happened)
My point here is that it’s not a good thing to always ‘look at the other side’. Everyone can think and feel, but our actions are definite and they define us. Looking at every side sometimes puts too much doubt in your head to take any decision, any action.
When someone comes late to a meeting, looking at the other side is a good idea because you may get a logical reason for it’s occurrence but the prevalent ‘accept everything and everyone’ philosophy is counter-productive to your progress.
As long as a choice of another doesn’t physically harm or cause mental torture it’s ok to think about the other side. I love rock music, I didn’t like hindi music(now I do) and I used to run around criticizing those who did.
Well, now I avoid this type of discussion , because what’s ‘Kewl’ and what’s not is everyone’s choice and they have a right to it.
There’s no necessity to see the other side.
Written on Thursday, November 30, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

We all believe that our opinions are our own and that no one really influences them. If i like a particular type of music , art or movie then I’ve asked for no one’s permission to do so and i fiercely defend my right to an opinion. Well that's a really nice thought but i feel a most everyone (me included) have a few "opinions" made for us.
The other day me and my friends sat down to watch a Hindi movie. Now it just so happens that of one of us happens to HATE the lead actor of that movie but decided to watch regardless since the group was watching. As the movie began to tell it's tale he began the usual berating and criticizing which is the norm of every would-be movie critic.
The movie itself really was average fare, nothing much to talk about but the constant cynicism for the lead actor was starting to irritate me. Just as I was about to say something, one of the other friends, who really has no opinion on the lead actor proceeded to proclaim that the actor was crap, the movie in turn was crap and so it was a waste of time.
I wanted to say something but held back the urge and decided to just notice what happened next.
Well as i said the influence started to spread until even those who seemed to be half-enjoying the movie started to proclaim that they hated it
It's curious to notice that if you scream loud enough, stupid people will love to get into the act. I proceeded to say that the movie was OK. I promptly was told that i know "Nothing" of movies or acting.
Scream loud enough and you can influence people .Again and Again.Jeez.......
Written on Monday, November 13, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

Life is cruel lots of times.That isn't a pessimistic view, but a realistic one. The basic presumption is that life is supposed to be full of happiness.What if the basic plan is not that way? What if suffering is as much a part of life as happiness? maybe more? The thing is no one's promised us that....it's taken for granted....I've read somewhere that "life is Suffering" is one of the rules of buddha...not sure of that though....
Actually the thought that life is not all about happiness is quite comforting. Once you accept it , it's easy not to get frustrated, to take the hardhships as challenges, not worry so much.This thought has helped me quite a bit over the past few months, hectic training, washing, clothes and long travelling distances included.
For the big tests, ive not worried as much, only focused on what's ahead. I've learnt to take hardship as a challenge,to not allow yourself to be broken by them, to understand that these things never get harder and that you do.
Once you know, You win.Believe it
Written on Saturday, October 28, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

Ever feel like jumping off, letting go of everything and soaring.I feel it everyday of my waking life. No i'm not some bored dude writing code all day not happy with his life...no i like my work, i accept where i live and the state my life is in. After all, i've made my choices and i dont regret a single one. Once in a while though, i feel like i wanna let go and run.Run till my legs fall off, till i cant breathe.This isn't because i wanna run away from my life, it's because i want it to go faster.Life's too slow sometimes, you get stuck going so slow down life's highway that you wanna tare away all those "rules" and "barriers" and run free.
I'm not sure how many will understand what it is i wanna say but i hope a few will realise that these feelings lie in you. I usually get this feeling whenever i'm standing for a bus or a train and it's jus not coming. I get it when i'm sitting for a lecture which starts to drag.The feeling of wasting your life on the inconsequential is irritating. I mean , as it is life's short, so wasting it doing things that are of no use is irritating. If you analyzed it , there'd be so many things you'd discard doing because it's inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.
I don't know how many have felt it, but whenever i'm going in the train and it's really fast , i feel like jumping off. NO ,not because im suicidal but because i'd love the adrenaline rush, the feeling of flying,. soaring freely for even jus a sec.
It's the reason why i will ,even if it's only once, go skydiving.The feeling of no ground beneath and nly sky above would be spectacular...
Run for just one minute, it's better than walking all your life.
Fly for just one second, it's better than running all your life.
Cast off, Jump off..
Written on Tuesday, August 22, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

Going through life you often wonder how much experience teaches you...We make the same mistakes over and over again in our lives and blame on more than a few things.Well what happens when a recent experience cancells out a previous one.What i mean is that our notions are fixed by our experiences but what happens when experiences conflict with our notions.
Recently the same happened to me.What i learnt about weakness' in people got turned on its head.Sadly i have to admit that sometimes i find people weak.It's a terrible judgement to pass on some i readily admit but it seems unavoidable.A curious need to appease your own ego causes you to find weakness in others.Even worse to admit this judgement often leaves me with a simoltaneous mix of shame and pride.
Recently this shame visited me again as i started to make new friends here in chennai.Im really not sure if everyone does it but sometimes i compare some of the new friends to my old ones.
My roommates are great....but some of the other people i've met are jus ...... different.Unfortunately adjusting to people from different cultures takes a bit of work and asks you to leave some pre-concieved notions behind.
What really happened was that i judged someone far too quickly as weak and having made that assimption continued to re-affirm it by the conclusions i drew from the actions of the person.However a deep,dark tragedy lay seated behind those eyes i judged to be weak.The shame, when it comes, overwhelmes. It should too....because you wont change unless you hate yourself.
Im glad that it happened and yet feel sad for having so readily accepted the common train of thought that runs through most people everyday.
To that person,who should not have been judged, i ask forgiveness.
Written on Wednesday, July 12, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

Well i guess there'll be pages and pages on the farewell of zidane but here's my personal tribute to the greatest footballer i've seen.
Yes i know what he did in the final was wrong. Yes i know he shouldnt have done it, but i honestly don't care so much. One bad match doesnt change his legacy. He's still given me and millions of others some jaw dropping, "Wow i can't believe that could be done" moments.
The zidane pivot as i call has every kid trying to emulate it. I'll never forget the grace, the power ,the precision of his movement and passing. "Built like a brick layer with the grace of a ballerina" one commentator described him.
Sometimes i swear it seems like he's meditating on the field. The grace with which he moves makes you wonder whether he's running or floating. He may be the most creative footballer(along with ronaldinho).
He's humble and stays away from controversy(well almost eh?). He made a mistake. We forgive you zizou. Thank god we live in the same era as Zizou..
Zidane for ever............<
Written on Thursday, June 15, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

As the football season goes into overdrive i start to wonder about how important the superstars of sports(or for that matter any field) are to the popularity of the sport. It takes someone very special to lift you off your seat. These "gods" as they are usually reffered to in their sport lift the sport to incredible heights of popularity. I got hooked of formula1 when i saw micheal schumacher overcome the odds to win.
Micheal jordan lifted basketball to dizzying heights. I remember gettin up at 5.30 am to watch him come closer than any human to flying. I've really never felt like watching basketball as much once he retired.Can anyone really argue against the fact that the best way to popularise cricket to the rest of the world is to show them sachin play(and destroy australia at sharjah).
The biggest example i've found of a superstar lifting a sport is Lance armstrong. When i first saw the toure de france i wondered what the point was to cycle all that way, but when you hear that he came back from cancer and then won what is arguably the most greulling sports event in the world 7 times in a row inspires you. I dont think anyone cared about cycling that much till he showed up.You cant help but sit up in awe when u see his feet beat up and down like pistons on that bike.
"Some have greatness bestowed upon them". Whether they're gifted with natural ability or just worked harder than anyone else doesn't matter. They get your pulse racing, get you off your seat and get you hooked on the game (or field, like einstein and physics) and inspire.
My tribute to those ones meant to bring happiness to our lives
Schumi, lance, jordan, sampras and federer, rooney and jose and rossi..
Written on Tuesday, June 13, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
As i stand now i have finished my engg, almost really, but for the most part ive come through unscathed and unharmed .As i muse upon the 4 years i realise that a lot of the engg community thinks that engg is some titanic struggle where u have to slog and grovel your way past the four years...i disagree with this notion. Doing nothing for the first three months of a semester and then ten days for journals and 20 for the PL's does not count as a gruelling semester. It speaks of pure laziness,Is anyone suprised that we struggle to pass when we spend practically 8 months in a year doing practically nothing.The only time i stretched myself was when i was spending all day and night thinking about my project..most of all i realize this when i see some of my friends who are in the medical field.All these guys who think engg is tough wouldn't last six months in that line of work.
Written on Wednesday, May 17, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

Well today the "stars" aligned...so to speak and i put a voice to the face and mannerisms to the writing...i must say i never was sckeptical for this encounter and i was pleasantly suprised..Of course i wasnt totally frank just yet...that would have scared my friend away!.But the transition was lovely, the meeting was a lot of fun and i had a new lichi coffee to boot...ok ok must run it off 2mr morning..damn it.
Anways it was really nice that i didnt find it awkward at all...ofcourse i was my goofy stupid self and my friend didnt get up and leave...so that was a good sign...thank god!
The friendship has come full circle now..the connection through the circle of friends complete.
It was great.I loved it.
Written on Sunday, May 14, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
Today i got up at about 6.45 in the morning....after marvelling at the feat i had accomplished by gettin up so early i promptly turned on my friends comp(where i was stayin..) and logged onto orkut...there one of my friends was online and i scrapped him for a while and then jus surfed aimlessly...
I'm starting to wonder why im so sedentry in my life style...the thought of getting up and going out at 7 in the morning outside while it's still cool NEVER even entered my mind....instead i sat there and did nothing and felt lazy and went back to sleep..
Though i do a little bit of running i really worry where this lifestyle leads when we reach 45. Yeah we've read the effects and we've seen them too but our future will not be the same as the situation is now...i feel its gonna be worse and so we oughta be aware of this fact and do something...I'm not even working and im having serious trouble keeping a healthy lifestyle...almost all my friends get NO excercise during a 24 hour day...
it's ridiculous.
P.s:- my friend called up pizza hut and asked for the 4 pan pizza's for rs 200 offer..he was told the price is not inclusive of tax...the tax is rs 138.... so the total cost is 338..if u order the stuff individually it costs 440..
Written on Thursday, April 13, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

What is it about the internet that makes us lose inhibitions and open up to people that we don’t know and may have never met. I ponder this question as i form online relationships (read friends) with people on a more regular basis. The blanket security that the anonymity of the internet provides us to open so much more easily is very intriguing.
I've told things to my online friends that i have never told my other friends in such a short time of knowing them. I think the success of online relationships really lies in one thing:-Words. The fact is people can express much, much more coherently when they write than when they speak. It’s just easier to express what you really feel. I know it’s sounds like a paradox because there’s no tone or inflexion when you write but I feel people always write with more thought than they speak…harsh words come out less... and thoughts come out better than when u speak. It’s funny that because it takes so much time to type you actually think about what you’re gonna say. (Or type)
Somehow with the advent of voice chat and later video chat I think this online openness will diminish. I think that because you cant see or hear the person you basically judge them by what they actually say (type) which in a funny way may be what matters. Online relationships I feel will start with only regular chat and only then move to voice and video.
Although I digressed a lot from the topic at hand back there I feel it really could make a difference to online relationships. But I will never cease to be amazed as how the blanket of anonymity continues to allow people to make friends faster than ever before.
Maybe it’s because most of the time the person your talking to cant really use this information for any good and maybe most importantly they’re there because they only want to do one thing:-Talk. And nothing else. They’re not stuck in traffic; they’re not talking to you while they’re on their way to meet someone else, they’re not eating and talking!!.
To conclude it’s just cool how all the boundaries are gone and how you can make often better friends in cyberspace than in 3 dimensional space
Written on Thursday, April 06, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

Too much coincedence is one thing and little help from fate is another but i heard a story
which truly made me wonder why i(and most people for that matter) are so sckeptical.
The following is a true story about a friend in which the circumstances are all real (although the names have been changed for anynonimity)Ok we start approximately 9 years ago when i was in seventh.My freind Raj is in delhi happy being a brat and raising hell until he ends up failing a few subjects.He's gets better and becomes a much better student.Unfortunately he has to leave for jaipur and so transfers to a school there where he spends the next 2 years getting better grades.Fortunately ( and as fate would have it) he has to return back to delhi and enrolls back into the same school.This is when he comes across the lovely Tina.
Now from here the details are a bit sketchy but they spend the next two years getting to know each other and from what im told he's now in love with said lass and so as every story goes love blossoms in one heart (and im not sure in the other or not...that part was conveniently...ahem.... left out)
So the 11th has come and gone and so has the 12th and apparently the guts have not been musterered to ask lady love out yet.Now with the 12th over major entrance tests loom and those are studied for and given but unfortunately( or is it fortunate) they are dead ends.SO after searching for engg colleges in a lot of cities he decides to come to pune.
They BOTH end up here eventually ,though in different colleges.SO new city, no parents , new experiences.My friend decides to go for broke and asks her out(Finally!!!).Now i dont write depressing articles with sad endings so ofcourse she says yes.
At this point i was quite happy that they both ended up here.They are ofcourse still together and doing well.It was cool to of a love story spanning so many cities and so much time.Sounds like fate a hand to play.
The second best part? He had a hand convincing her to come here.Now good luck or fate can only help so much but somewhere you have to step up and take the plunge and so he did.
The BEST part? When he left school in delhi(to return two years later) he vacated a seat.There was only that seat vacant.
She took THAT seat.
Maybe we oughta be a little bit less cynical and believe a bit more.In the age of messy breakups and rising divorce rates this was refreshing to hear.....
Written on Tuesday, April 04, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
Shit happens
When you just cant seem to get a slice of luck,
When you're stuck in a rut,
When you're riding and someone splashes muck.
When you're starry eyed, but you're dreams get crushed
Shit happens
When you order coffee but the milk is burnt,
When the cop's waiting exactly where you took the wrong turn
When you sit at home and you're bored out of your mind,
When you do someone a favour but they dont repay in kind.
Shit happens
When all you wanna do is sleep but they dont let you,
When you wanna get your point across but they dont get you,
When you leave a restaurant and see that the cops towed your bike,
When you leave the house and realise the petrolwallahs are on strike.
Shit happens
When your watching a movie at home and MSEB cuts the power
When you realise you need the cell phone rates to be lower,
When the PL's come and go and you havent done a thing.
When tommorow's the paper and all those xeroxed notes go missing.
Shit happens
When you realise that you haven't written a single stupid writeup.
When everything seems like it's torn apart....
When you know that you're facing the hardest part.
Shit happens
When you have great expectations from a movie that's so-so,
When find out your internet connection is too slow.
When you leave for a second and find that the toast is burning
But most of all Shit Happens,
Early in the morning!!!!
Written on Thursday, March 30, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
Seems like Ive been tagged. The rules:
1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
2. Need to mention the sex of the person.
3. Tag 8 (or as many as possible) victims to join this game & leave a comment on their comments saying they’ve been tagged
4. If tagged the 2nd time, there’s no need to post again.
ok so are you ready? are you scared?
1. it's a she...Duh...
2.Should be smart...someone i can have a intellectual conversation with..
3.Should be ambitious....not just career wise....
4.Should be passionate....about life in general..
5.Should laugh at my jokes...which would make her rare to find...hehe.
6.Should be a little "nuts" or she'll go nuts with me......
7.Should be independent....and level headed...
8.And finally...our values must match...more or less..
P.S. i've written should and not must because i believe if the right person comes along it really wont how many of these she fulfills...but anyways...
ill tag sandnya and gaurav i think....
Written on Monday, March 27, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
Microsoft has delayed the launch of vista till next year. Personally I’m pretty disappointed. I was looking forward to getting down and dirty with a new OS. It would have been a lot of fun, but in any case I keep wondering how Microsoft is going to keep pace now ,what with the continuous barrage of software being developed by third parties.
Now I’m no Wall Street business analyst but how many people use IE anymore? it’s not obsolete by any means but it’s still way behind opera and firefox. All the viruses get written for IE so it’s difficult to stay safe. Now I agree I shouldn’t really be bothered with what happens anyways because either way I’m getting the benefit but I really want to see how Microsoft combats this problem. I mean linux is on the rise though it’ll be a long time till it catches up with Xp or vista. The pace of new versions coming out means that Microsoft has to move quickly if it wants to win. Google’s pratically won the search engine race and apple is hot on ms’s heels.
But Bill gates has proven time and again that he knows how to win. And win. And win.
I’m a fan of his to be truthful. It almost truly is Microsoft against the rest but ms wins and wins a lot,though this time things could get tough.
Hey ok, I’ll admit the fate of the world does not rest on this Microsoft Vs the rest software war but it sure is gonna be fun to watch….Oh yeah!!
Written on Sunday, March 26, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
Reading a lot has convinced me of one fact:-Work with the right people and you won’t waste half your time fighting internal fires. What that means really is that if you pick your partners properly you'll be much better off and have a good chance of getting things done on time. I came to realize this really when i had to complete my B.E. project in quite a short span of time. Though not completed yet, we have reached the final stages before anyone else and I’m convinced it's because I partnered with the right guys.
My project is quite ambitious and challenging. Really an untested concept but while choosing the right project I really looked at the people with me. So when the right guys invited me to join I jumped at the chance. And when the right project guide offered the project I was convinced though challenging, the project could be done.
So now that I know that the concept works I’m happy I was right. Choosing the right people to work with circumvents a lot of the future obstacles. There have been no accusations of laziness or not pulling weight (for the most part anyway!!!).
One is probably the hardest worker in my class and the other, well, is good at what he does. So we’ve spent all of the time on the project and less on irritating each other. Which is what I notice has happened in many other project groups. Everyone wants to be the leader and everyone thinks they’re right. Even getting the right guide was a huge boost. It would never have gotten done if not for the tenacity of my project guide.
Though B.E. projects have a lot of room for error and time wasting and things can get done even with the wrong people it’s easy to see why the companies pay so much for the top brass. The right environment along with the right people produces fantastic results.
This whole concept can be extended to everything we do. If you want to do something go ask the best people and you’ll save half your troubles. Study with the scholars, play and eat with the athletes, sing with the musicians, (go shopping with women!!!)…
So to quote from a book….
“Before you drive your bus, get the right people on it, the wrong people off it and then figure out where to steer it”
Written on Sunday, March 19, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
Years ago i was fortunate to see the first season of survivor....the first real reality show...and i fell in love with it...then it went off air and i forgot about it...As luck would have it i got most of the seasons from a great friend of mine(Who im eternally indebted to..).So when i got to see all the episodes i finally got obsessed about survivor.
For those who dont know...survivor is the show that brought reality tv in our living rooms...it changed tv for ever....18 strangers stranded in an island competing with and against each other to win a million dollars....it is a brilliantly conceptualized and finely executed cross between some of the most dirty moments along with some heart tugging ones....it has all the elements to keep you hooked.
Though it has an insane physical aspect, beating everyone else at strategy is the most fascinating part...how do u beat the other competitors while still managin to make them like you...ahh..therein lies the twist and the appeal of survivor...
It's highly recommeneded for everyone to watch..though not everyone seems to like it...
39 days,18 contenstants...in the end only one will remain to claim the million dollar prize
1 sole survivor
P.S.Go rob cesternino!!!
Written on Thursday, February 23, 2006 by Rohan Koshy

Well this time i bring no introspective findings but only to reflect about my favourite game...football....to say that it's less of a sport and more of a religion is an understatement...the entertainment is usually riveting and some of the players do impossible things...but what i like most is...the curses
Somehow if your a football fan you can hurl abuse at anyone you want without any consequences...it's fun to see me when i go nuts and jump up and down in the room showing the finger to all the other team supporters..ahhh....what better way to let go...sat and sundays are now religiously spent watching tv,having coke or somethin,gettin fat and cursing your lungs out....oh yeah...
Go manu and real...
Written on Friday, February 17, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
I usually read a lot of books so my viewpoints are always a little muddled having had so many influences...from osho to bill gates and Gandhi to jack welch i've swung from one side to another so my views almost never gel with many of my freinds....but recently i've started to notice one common thing in many of my friends and even strangers that i meet.....The fear of being great...
Put simply the fear of being great is usually the biggest fear in person...Now you probably think i'm nuts anyways so...why would a person fear being great....well beacause they dont know that they fear is in them....
What's the one thing society tells you to do....Conform.....You should be like everyone else kid....do what they're doing because they know what's right...get the best grades,be the best behaved,dont irritate or criticize,and never stand out the crowd unless your asked to....this i'm starting to realise is the biggest problem we face...from the day you are born you are told and shown how the world works and how your expected to follow "tradition".....
It is said that the fear of public speaking in people is greater than the fear of DEATH....and i've seen it too....people are terrified of going on stage and saying something....Why? because they'll get criticized and teased if they say something the herd doesnt agree too...or they'll get laughed at if they say nothing...
I have no problems with the crowd...i have problems with the people who should go on stage and speak....they wont take that chance because they fear being ridicluled...but they dont see that they could get applauded for what they say...it's the fear of being great...
I'm not good enough for the IIT's or the IIM's....this i hear constantly...It's for the nerds...Being good enough is not the issue...it's the fear of standing out ,of being different that's the issue....we fear being different because the whole world is meant for conformity...
This conformity is also seen in school...apparently the Einsteins and the David beckhams and the Bryan adams of the world are graded on the same system and supposed to do equally well at Physics?????
Unfortunately this fear is most in the spotlight in public speaking.
People often play the game not to lose...play it safe and you'll play another day...most never play to win...
On a lighter note....i see it before a proposal too...well..."dude what if she says no"?...to which i answer:-"Well what if she says yes?"....youre afraid of losin so u wont take the chance to win,the chance to be great....
On an even lighter note...i go on to explain that the chances of a yes are 50-50..those odds are better than any bet at any table at any casino in the world...basically u couldnt have a better chance!!!!...hehehe......
Fortunately for me,i've learned this early and in the hard way...I've been called.....stupid,immature,childish,ugly,fat,crazy,cunning,dark-skinned,short,blind,cute,funny,nice and everythin in between..so i've learned never to take any of it seriously....so ive never feared standing out..which i do anyways...
Written on Friday, February 17, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
Wohooo...yeah baby....we finally climaxed our four enggg years with one spectacular incident...we walked out of a lecture which repeatedly tortured us for the last 6 weeks....so we got suspended...it wasnt even planned...i made the decision to leave myself and so did evryone else..it was unity like ive never seen....every single one walked...the scholars...the nerds...the ones who couldnt care less and ones along for the ride...it was cool...
But i have no sympathy for wat happened..it wasnt abt being shameless or having somthin personal...we said we will not sit for lecs which are of absolutely no use..
yeah ill be the first to admit i sit in lecs only for attendance...but this one was tortute...every time i sat...i felt like shooting myself....im not worried abt the consequences...but i feel it was neccesary...like i said before...i dont wanna waste my life no more....maybe i should not have seen rang de basanti...hehe...
Written on Saturday, February 04, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
In case you think this is about the state of the education system in india...it isn't.
Everyday i go to college and i sit for lectures and practicals and come back home having learnt absolutely nothing....Unfortunately i have the attention span of a fly but it's very funny for me to see what happens in class everyday.
The teacher walks in, starts teaching,spends the next hour confusing and boring the students,then asks questions the answers to which no one knows or is bothered to give,gets angry and pissed off calls us circus animals or some similar connotation and then proceeds to leave the class wondering why he bothered....
What i dont understand is why we are still taught in this archaic fashion when it's clear to see that humans just dont learn by listening but by doing....the more i think about it the more i realise that there's one thing they dont let you do:- make mistakes.How do humans learn:-By makin mistakes....by makin mistakes you learn how to walk,how to ride a bike,how to never tell a girl she look fat.(Oh wait...wrong post)
Anways i dont understand these teachers..... they get none, and i mean zero response from the students and still they do the same things. I mean come on... how can you do this for 10 years and still not change when you know that students are different today. It really bugs me because if it was me i'd quit such a unsatisfying job and do something else...but what irritates me the most is that i waste 3 to 4 hours of my life everyday learning nothin and just sitting there because i need 75% attendance...whats the logic behind this rule anyways.....(3 to 4 hours) X (4 years) of engineering is a lot of my life wasted....No wonder so many people drop out... it nonsensical to sit and learn in a system that is designed so that you learn the least...I'm in elex and telecom and im sure i could have learnt every subject the guys doing computers learnt alongside my own if i had those 4 hours back... imagine the possible avenues available to you if you knew twice as much...Job prospects go up,you'd get into a better company and get a higher pay...but that's not the point..i dont wanna waste my life everyday sitting like this....
Written on Friday, January 27, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
I happened to go to Mcdonald's the other day after a long time...so i decide to have a Mcveggie and was in the dillema of whether to consume 500 hundred calories of a large coke when i saw that i could buy my happiness? You got that right folks! buy it today for just 75 bucks... now that's a deal ain't it.
There's a poster that says "Buy happiness for your entire family".It's a "happy" meal and it costs 75 bucks... i mean "Buy happiness for your entire family"?????....Not just you! your entire family!...... C'mon.
This really isn't anything against Mcdonald's (Though they're burgers are
ridiculously overpriced and small)..it has to do with what advertising does to you..
Consider this... a couple are in a car romancing when she softly kisses his neck... the next day in college she waits with bated breath... when she sees him she moves over and gives him room... but he takes one look.. then looks at the band-aid around his neck and then decides to ignore her.... so what's the moral of the story... all you women out there must have extremely soft lips because your boyfriend (who you spent the night with) WILL ditch you... so go get this lip balm...it'll save your troubles... Brilliant!(This ad airs on most major channels btw)
It's so subtle you have to give them credit... they don't tell you that your inadequate directly...they'll tell your subconcious that your not gonna keep a boyfriend if you dont buy it...This is as much true with men who somehow are supposed to be alpha males who can be bill gates and stallone all at once...
I hate it... i absolutely do... enough women get affected by this sort of shit...
Unfortunately most women think (subconciously) that if your actually ideal weight your fat.... and advertising attacks these most basic fears of inadequacy to sell...
i don't have a problem with the adverts themselves but with how much of this negative advertising is there...it's a complete bombardment to your subconcious every second.... notice how much negative advertsing you take in everyday and you'll begin to realise why teens have such a fear of inadequacy...so the next time you see this just observe the underlying theme and then you'll be immune...
Written on Tuesday, January 10, 2006 by Rohan Koshy
Are you standing in the grey between black or white,
left or right ,standing in the blackness of the night...
Why are we all continually searching for solitude,
When all we want to is to be understood.....
Gnawing within us it asks us to find our way,
True purpose beckons,yet...
Clouded by confusion, we're pushing it away..
A chasm lies now between the haves and the have nots,
Poverty or opulence,life only offers only stops..
I'm here without you,
losing my way...Clinging to memories,
i'm shouting in this vaccum..
Wondering what lies ahead...
I'm here without you,
But your still on my lonely mind
Trying to find, failing to understand..
I'm walking alone...
Life's so good at the moment,
But my dreams don't reveal your face.
The lines have blurred..the features,
Now impossible to trace...
Hope is our greatest strength and our biggest weakness...
If you want to change the world,let love be your energy..
Let it fuel your passion and drive you to your destiny
Let the purest emotion of all fill your heart.
Dont start,just fly and take everyone onboard
Soar through the skies....
Go quench your desires..
The musical chairs of life are funny to behold..
Sometimes warm as soft sunlight,
Sometimes stone cold...
Invincinble and powerless by turn,
Shall we go full speed ahead or
Will a u-turn suffice,think twice..
Every decision you take could be..
Your biggest mistake.
No one told me it would be this hard,
Someone please take me back to the start
When emtions start to fade,
When strength starts to wane,
Then maybe,just maybe,
Like the deserts need the rain,
A poet needs the pain.